What if …

Robert Sarkisyan
Robert Sarkisyan
April 29, 2022 - 2 min read
What if …

This was first posted on Facebook on November 18th, 2021. Robert agreed to have it shared here.

What if …

What if, every year, an Oscar worthy, two to three hundred million dollar budget movie was released, about the Armenian Genocide. What if, in addition to that, hundreds of other movies and shows and series were released, about what the Turks did to the Armenians in the previous century.

What if, some of these films and movies and shows about genocide had some of the best actors in the world. Non-Armenians … people like Tom Hanks!

What if, every year, the Hollywood machine released a bunch of high budget movies about war! No, not WWII, but instead, about WWI. And in said movies and films, and shows and documentaries, the Armenian Genocide was mentioned, implied, presented!

What if, a kid living in Denmark had seen the latest high budget thriller that had to do with the Genocide! And the most recent Oscar for best male lead had gone to an actor playing the part of a musician during World War I in the Ottoman Empire. An armenian musical genius that had been the victim of ottoman imperialism and hatred.

What if, we, the Armenians, had complete control over the content of the media coming out of the Hollywood media machine, and thereby, made anti-armenianism the world’s most unpopular and unmanly theme. For a kid living in Denmark, any talk against armenianism would remind him of the evil characters in his favorite Tom Hanks movie or that movie with Adrian Brody!

Unpopular, unfashionable, unacceptable, despicable … this idea, of harming Armenians or so much as speaking against Armenians. A global trend, whereby the medium of film and videos are used to convince the world that pro-armenianism is good and anti-armenianism is evil.

Humiliation and disgrace for those that associate themselves with hatred against the victims of the 20th century genocide.

Hire the best actors writers directors cinematographers costume designers etc., and endlessly remind the world about what the Ottoman Turks did to the Armenians.

What if, if media were to be utilized in the manner that is described above, no leader of any country were to dare to speak against the Armenians, let alone to then engage in a 44-day war.

Ideas to think about my friends!

- Robert Sarkisyan, Burbank CA -

This article is a proposal.
If there's and idea you really want to talk about, please feel free to share it with us.